Read about our story below

A while back barely anyone knew about KYC. Today, it's everywhere.

Only a few years ago, KYC was a term familiar only to industry insiders. Today, it's everywhere. Driven by new regulations and increased scrutiny from regulators, along with hefty fines, KYC is ubiquitous.

The number of KYC inquiries and the depth of information shared have grown significantly, leading to a sharp rise in the cost of financial crime compliance.

In the new environment, many will drown in admin...

McKinsey reports that 85% of financial crime compliance tasks are non-analytical in character. Those who fail to adapt to new ways of working will be eaten up by administrative burdens and paperwork.

Wheres those who adapt will strive

The ones that will thrive in the new environment will be those who quickly can adopt to the rapidly evolving landscape. Leveraging technology will be necessary to minimise administrative tasks, avoid fines and reputational risks.

Imagine being compliant while shedding admin

Regulated entities are responding to their KYC challenges in different way. Some are stuck in status quo and need to hire more personnel to solve the large amount of paperwork.

Others are integrating with IT system providers to tackle their current most urgent challenges. This often leads to siloed systems, where KYC information is spread across a range of different systems, as well as IT resources being allocated to maintain systems rather than to move forward.

Instead, envision a single platform that simplifies KYC and eliminates administrative overhead without the need for internal IT resources. That's KnownID.

Replacing PDF forms, emails and files with one integrated system

Traditionally, KYC involved paper forms and physical documents. Gradually, the process has shifted to PDF forms, emails, and files in document management systems, where information is manually shared and entered across siloed systems.

KnownID is an interconnected end-to-end platform that manages everything related to KYC. A platform that gives you a clear overview and enables you to send out and answer questionnaires, store information and documents, conduct screenings, verify data, manage cases, and risk assess. It is a platform that is built not only for entities requesting KYC, but also makes it easier for those responding to KYC.

  • Digital KYC questionnaires
  • Electronic signing of questionnaires
  • Secure communication within the platform
  • Integrated screening of counterparties and related objects
  • All questionnaires and data connected visible within the platform
  • Support for electronic and biometrically verified IDs within the platform
  • All KYC documents visible on counterparty profile
  • Search against public UBO registers within the platform
  • Wholistic view of counterparties for everything related to KYC
  • Optimised KYC journeys also for counterparties
  • No integrations to maintain
  • Paper or PDF KYC questionnaires
  • Manual signing of KYC questionnaires
  • Email to communicate with counterparties
  • Screening of counterparties in another systems
  • Saving KYC questionnaires in document management system(s)
  • PDF copies of passports in document management system(s)
  • PDF copies of related KYC documents in document management systems
  • Manual searches of beneficial owners
  • KYC data spread out between related systems
  • Suboptimal KYC journeys for counterparties
  • Multiple integrations to maintain

KnownID is a platform for managing KYC end-to-end

Our extensive experience across various industries has given us a deep understanding of the challenges in KYC. The critical question we've always faced is "How can we make it easier to stay in control and reduce the risk of being non-compliant?"

KnownID is designed based on our longstanding expertise in KYC, with the ultimate goal of simplifying KYC for all different stakeholders.