We are an end-to-end platform for KYC. It is designed with all different stakeholders at mind. Today, KYC is often shared across systems, between systems and too often outside systems. We want to change that.
Manage KYC end-to-end. Send out KYC questionnaires, screen and monitor counterparties (PEP, sanctions, adverse media), collect necessary information. Get all your KYC within one platform.
Respond to KYC questionnaires easier and faster - answer questions once and share it with several counterparties. Get an overview of what KYC information you have shared, when and to whom.
Share your KYC information with counterparties and your connected companies proactively. Keep track of how your KYC information is being used.
Get an end-to-end overview of all KYC information for every type of counterparty.
Get a unified view of a counterparty, including its key persons and affiliates, to easily access relevant KYC information, such as documents, risk assessments, alerts, cases, screenings and questionnaires
Onboarding KYC: Ensure you comply with regulatory requirements when you onboard counterparties by using our guided step-by-step approach
Monitoring KYC: Continuously monitor counterparties and related parties against relevant screening lists. Monitor changes in key data and get notified of changes
Periodic KYC: Automate periodic reviews and follow-ups - the platform will automatically send out periodic reviews based on your settings and risk levels
Take use of curated existing KYC/KYB templates and questionnaires. Or easily create your own.
Use curated KYC/KYB questionnaires based on industry best-practice
Create your own KYC/KYB questionnaires by easily editing existing templates or building new ones from scratch
Standardised questionnaires such as Wolfsberg’s CBDDQ, FACTA and CRS are already available digitally within the platform
Update and manage versions of KYC/KYB questionnaires to easily adapt to changes in regulations
We work together with you to ensure that KnownID is tailored to your entity
Select how and who you screen. Customise it to have it your way or use the default settings.
Automatically monitor counterparties, connected persons and affiliates. Get notified of any new hits in real-time
Leverage AI matching algorithms to reduce the false positive rate
Manage cases and access all details needed to make swift case decisions. Dismiss false positive or escalate to higher levels when necessary
Connect key persons with counterparties to manage all screenings within a unified view and end all related screenings when no longer necessary
Customise against what lists you screen based on risk levels and roles
Collect and verify information and identities from a wide range of data sets, without the need for new integrations.
Automate beneficial ownership checks and verify UBOs against public registers. Identify alternative ultimate beneficial owners when no UBO
Leverage AI matching algorithms to reduce the false positive rate
Support for electronic identities (eID) such as BankID without any integrations
Integrations with high-quality verified KYC/KYB data sets and public registries to ensure that your data on counterparties is accurate and up-to-date
See what you did, when you did it and why you did it to easily demonstrate to external auditors that you met regulatory standards.
Easily access historical risk assessments, alerts, cases, documents and questionnaires from a unified counterparty view
Retrieve historical relevant information without undue delay
Ensure that customer identification is available at all times for all counterparties
Manage data retention to ensure timely deletion of information after the ending customer relationships in line with GDPR
The platform is designed for all different stakeholders. Make it easier and safer for your counterparties and connected persons.
Always give your counterparties user-friendly digital KYC journeys
Allow counterparties to auto-populate KYC questionnaire by using their old data
Let counterparties connect with their key individuals to get better KYC information on persons such as beneficial owners
Avoid typos that create additional friction for both you and your counterparties, by letting them integrate directly against public registries
Our platform automatically populate KYC questionnaires based on previous responses and registry data. Oftentimes counterparties need to verify KYC information against registry data - by supplying verified data directly, time is saved for both you and your counterparties.
Connect with your key persons such as UBOs and board members to automatically get their latest available KYC data - no more passport copies in document file storage systems.
View all of your completed questionnaires and attached KYC files and easily retrieve previous responses. Manage versions of KYC documents and share within your organisation.
Answer KYC questions once, update if necessary and reuse your data for other interactions. Proactively share your data with your connected entities to minimise the time spent on supplying KYC information.
Verify your identity once and get notified when your identity documents expire. Generate documents such as proof of address, CRS self-certification and FATCA forms automatically.
Own your KYC data and documents, such as copies of your passport. Keep track of where and when your data and documents have been shared.
We know how tricky it can be to navigate the balances between personal data protection and effective KYC journeys. That's why we designed KnownID with this in mind from the start.
Sharing of sensitive personal data still largely relies on emails. We have changed that.
Be comfortable sharing personal identifiable information securely
Fully encrypted communication with counterparties end-to-end
Copying and pasting information from emails is no more
We reduce compliance burdens by storing KYC data on behalf of your business so it never touches your systems.
Manage personal data, including data deletion when required
Limit access to sensitive data within the system
Connect documents to counterparties. No need to store KYC in internal file systems
Today, key KYC stakeholders may not know where their personal information is being forwarded to.
Individuals can track where and when their data has been shared
Individuals explicitly can give consent on how their documents are forwarded
Individuals have access to a clear privacy notice